“From Degrading to De-Grading”

I am indifferent about this article, I agree and disagree with certain parts. Some subjects in school need to be graded and other should not be. I believe that math and English and other subjects should be graded. This will teach students to push them for there goals. In some classes like, architecture, you can not grade people based on there designs. There is no right or wrong way to design something. Architecture is a form of art just like writing and you can not grade creativity. Teachers and professors ask students to be creative all the time, but yet they mark down our grades if they don’t like our creative style. I do believe that there should be certain subjects graded, because we need them in everyday life and grades prove we understand it. However there are certain subjects that should not be graded because it restricts the creative process.grades

“Why I Hate School But Love Education”

I think that this guy did an amazing job with this topic. He definitely defends both sides and gives reason to support his decisions. I would agree with the title though, I do hate school but I love my education. I honestly don’t understand why I am paying to further my education in classes and subjects that I don’t like or will ever use again. It doesn’t makes sense that i have to take these “stupid” classes to fill requirements for my dream job. If you can relate astronomy to Architecture in anyway I will ever use when I own a firm I would love to know. This is the part I strongly agree with him is, why are we stressing and doing things that affect us in a negative way. I am paying to be stressed out and take time away from what I am doing. The reason I hate school in the pass is because they made us take certain courses no matter what even if we had no interest in it, now that I am paying for my education they still have requirements that have nothing to do with my intended major. In the end I do agree with what he is saying, do what you love because it will make you wealthier as a person, to people and yourself.

Shitty First Draft

This passage made me realize that being stumped on a topic or a certain word choice when first writing is normal. I have always had trouble with getting my thoughts down on paper and making them clear to my audience. Reading this article changed my mind and made myself feel more confident in my work. I accepted awhile ago that my first drafts were “shitty”, I just came custom to this idea. However, I have adapted to this and now make many drafts. The fact that the author refers to professional writers having trouble with their first drafts made me realize that its perfectly okay to have a :shitty first draft”.

I also have always had that one kid that can write without thinking. It comes so natural to them, and this bothers me. When the author went into detail, about no one liking that one person made me feel better. They did a good job describing exactly how I feel when i see someone put in no effort and have an almost perfect draft.

All in all this article made myself more confident, I learned you just have to go with it and start somewhere to get where you wanna end. Shitty First Draft